Emercury Survey Features

Emercury has more functionality in the Survey area like the Landing Page, Comments Box, the Photo Question and many more. The 'Landing Page' will allow you to see the bird's eyeview of what's inside the survey. The 'Comments Box' allows you to enter a text comment in the survey while 'Photo Question' allows you to upload a photo to a survey question.

To create a survey question click 'CAMPAIGNS' then select 'SURVEY' and hit 'NEW SURVEY', when done hit 'next' to continue.

In STEP 1 you will need to enter the required fields for the survey questions

Survey Name - Descriptive name of your survey.
Introduction Message - Introductory message for your survey.
Thank you page URL -  The survey respondents will see your custom Thank You page. A default Thank You page will be shown otherwise.
Survey Logo - You can upload a survey logo to your image manager.
Link Logo -  This is the link to your logo.
Background Image - Upload an image and use this as your background.
Background Color - You can select the color you wanted to use.
Survey Header - The header of your survey and you can use the enriched text editor for customization.
Survey Footer -
The footer of your survey, you can use the enriched text editor for customization.
Survey Intro Page - This is the Landing Page where the introduction page of your survey and you can use the enriched text editor for customization.

When done hit 'NEXT' to continue.

Question Type
If Radio is selected as the question type the following functionality are enabled for selection.
  • Require a response to this question
  • Add an "other" box to this question
  • Add an "comment" box to this question

If Checkboxes is selected as the as the question type the following functionality are enabled for selection.

  • Require a response to this question
  • Add an "comment" box to this question

If Textarea is selected as the as the question type

  • Require a response to this question( functionality enabled)
  • Answer choices (functionality disabled)

Enter your survey questions.

Answer choices
Enter your answer choices on a separate line.

Since Radio is selected as the question type we can check three boxes.

Question Image
This will allow you to upload a photo of your choice and this can be found in your image manager. You must upload the image first before inserting. Clicking the 'red X' will remove the image. Once you are done you may click 'SAVE' to continue. You will see a pop up 'Survey saved successfully'

This is how  your survey looks like in STEP 2. From here you can further make changes by clicking the 'edit', 'copy' or 'delete'. You can add more questions if you like by clicking 'ADD QUESTIONS' and when done click 'FINISH' You will see a pop up screen 'Survey saved successfully'.
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