How to check scheduled campaign in the menu bar?

Emercury added a Schedules Page in the menu barfor accessibility. 'Schedules' will show you either future scheduled campaigns or all schedules. To access this simply click the 'CAMPAIGN' button and select 'SCHEDULES'

In the schedule page, you will see all your
future scheduled campaigns if the box is checked for 'Show only future schedules' by default, if it is unchecked it will display all schedules including your current and past schedules. You can search for a scheduled campaigns by using the campaign ID, the campaign name and its type (campaign or autoresponder) and the send date from. 

Clicking the 'edit' allows you to change the send on date, time and your timezone. Once you are finished making changes, click 'YES, EDIT'.

Clicking the 'delete' allows you to remove your scheduled campaign. To delete simply click 'YES DELETE'

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