DKIM for my own Domain

You will need access to your DNS server to make these updates or you will need access
to a hosting panel that has access to edit your DNS records.

Create a subdomain (em._domainkey) em._domainkey.my_own_domain
(where my_own_domain, is you domain name) and add a DNS "TXT" record with the
following value:

v=DKIM1\; g=*\; k=rsa\; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC75RQss0FsR1dIiQ8fJwD8RJlktEdllRbjHKZcMv8GBnCSqoyNzjuoA6Xn3sJkIw6ZR9eB4hiz1yEdJSVsQKnOCzfLfPFqFbC5z6fBNJ6h/JNHNkcRTaiSwQXxvtP4jpBRbzOoK8rxSDwvPITLhh63xgXomiGYmaMsWkIvVfBnhQIDAQAB
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