You can create a segment using the contacts in the test email campaign.
To create a segment from the test email campaign:
1. On the REPORT CENTER page, select the test email campaign using which you want to create a segment.
The REPORT CENTER page displays the options to create a new segment.
3. Click the Select list drop-down list to select a list from which you want to create a segment.
4. In the Create New Segment field, enter the name of your new segment.
5. In the Description field, enter the description of your new segment.
6. In the Select Report Conditions section, select the check box for the type of contacts that
you want to include in your new segment.
For example, if you select the Success check box, the segment includes all the contacts that
successfully received the test email campaign.
7. Click the CREATE button.
The browser displays the LIST MANAGEMENT page where you can view the new segment that you created.