What is Suppression? This is an Audience you don't want to deliver emails to....
How to add a contact to a list using Emercury?To add a contact to a list, on the main menu bar of the Emercury Email Marketing Manager, click...
How to add multiple contacts in a list in Emercury?To add multiple contacts in a list, in the ADD CONTACTS dialog box, click the 'ADD...
How to create a copy of a list in Emercury?To create a copy of a list, on the main menu bar of the Emercury Email Marketing Manager, click...
How to create a new list in Emercury?To create a new list of contacts, on the main menu bar of the Emercury Email Marketing Manager,...
How to create a segment in a list in Emercury?To create a segment in a list, on the main menu bar of the Emercury Email Marketing Manager,...
How to delete all the contacts in Emercury?To delete all the contacts, on the main menu bar of the Emercury Email Marketing Manager, click...
How to export a list in Emercury?In Emercury Email Marketing Manager, you can export a list to an external file, such as CSV or...
How to export unsubscribe per list?To export unsubscribe per list, click 'LISTS' in the menu bar and look for the list you...
How to import contacts in a list in Emercury?To import contacts in a list, in the ADD CONTACTS dialog box, click the 'IMPORT LIST'...
How to make a list empty in Emercury?To make a list empty, on the main menu bar of the Emercury Email Marketing Manager, click...
How to merge lists?A feature has been added called LIST MERGING. There is a new menu on Lists page. To access...
How to move openers, clickers, non-openers and non-clickers to a new list or an existing listEmercury has a feature to move subscribers for openers, clickers, non-clickers or non-openers...
How to refresh a list in Emercury?You can refresh a list for updated contact details. To refresh a list, on the main menu bar of...
How to remove a list in Emercury?To remove a list, on the main menu bar of the Emercury Email Marketing Manager, click...
How to rename a list?To rename a list, on the main menu bar of the Emercury Email Marketing Manager, click...
How to search a contact in a list in Emercury?To search a contact in a list, on the main menu bar of the Emercury Email Marketing Manager,...
How to select multiple filters for exportEmercury has a feature where you can select multiple filters for export. To begin click 'LISTS'...
How to view a list in Emercury?On the main menu bar of the Emercury Email Marketing Manager, click 'LISTS'. The...
How to view segments in a list in Emercury?To view the segment in a list, nn the main menu bar of the Emercury Email Marketing Manager,...
List Hygiene FeatureAt this time there are 3 various places you should utilize this particular List Hygiene...
Send to segmentIf you have a larger list and you like to send to half of your list you can use the feature 'Send...
How to export contacts from Emercury?You can export contacts from Emercury Email Marketing Manager to an external file, such as .CSV...